Make Sparks Fly When You Apply To College

Family Tribute Film has a track record of helping deferred students get into their first choice school. Read this case study to learn how our video got the admissions office at a top-tier university to take a genuinely fresh look.

A student got deferred early decision. After his parents in California and I discussed the intent and content of the video, they audio taped him talking about his scientific approach to glassblowing and metal work (see photo above), then sent me the audio file via the Internet, along with photos and video of his art which they had documented over the years. I shaped a short video showcasing his artistry and revealing his idiosyncratic charm.

Come April, the acceptance letter specifically cited how the video helped convince the admissions department that he was the right choice. Though they had seen photos of his art, the video let them see him create and hear him talk passionately about his art. And when he arrived on campus in the fall, the admissions department acquired one of his artworks for their office.

To see the video, please click here: