The Common and Uncommon App

UNC tour P1000049


The Common Application officially went online today with its five essay topics. The unifying theme? A chance for college applicants to “tell their unique stories.”

My son, a rising senior, and I toured colleges this summer. One admissions director strongly advised applicants to write the college essay as “your fingerprint: Unique. Authentic. Passionate.” A personal statement to distinguish yourself from all the other applicants.

A good video can reveal who you really are, quirky and unique, in just 1-3 minutes.

Family Tribute videos are audio-visual expressions of your student’s uniqueness.


A good college video can:

  • Connect you to admissions officers overwhelmed with paperwork;
  • Enhance your application;
  • Present a new aspect of yourself beyond test scores, grades and teacher recommendations;
  • Reinforce your personal essay;
  • Boost your art or music portfolio;
  • Showcase your talents and accomplishments;
  • Express your personal strengths and passions;
  • Demonstrate your creativity;
  • Affirm what you believe in;
  • Proclaim what you strive for;
  • Show you as a leader.

More and more colleges welcome video.  I’ve made performance videos for dancers, actors and musicians. Many college athletic departments expect video from applicants who want to try out for a team. I’ve helped a visual artist show his process of creation and speak about his unique scientific approach to glassblowing and metal work. But these videos can be about anything, as long as they “tell unique stories.”

Some colleges strongly suggest submitting personal video statements.  Lee Coffin, Director of Admissions at Tufts University, said, “So much of what we do in admissions is opaque, and that contributes to all the frenzy. This [video for college applications] is something that’s completely transparent.” Transparent, as in you own it and it’s a great opportunity to show yourself at your best.

Creating videos to help college applicants is a continuum of my long career making award-winning documentaries and non-fiction television. No matter the subject, the length, the venue or the client, it’s always about telling a great story to connect with your audience.

Video is a great way to make your college application uncommon. Exceptional. Tell your story passionately and succinctly and you will stand out.  Seeing is believing.